Google Analytics 4 Setup and Management

What is GA4?

google analytics ga4GA4, or Google Analytics 4, is the latest version of the popular web analytics tool provided by Google. This version of Google Analytics was released in October 2020, and it represents a significant shift in how website owners and marketers can measure and analyze website performance.

The primary difference between GA4 and its predecessor, Universal Analytics, is the way that data is collected and analyzed. GA4 uses an event-based model, whereas Universal Analytics uses a session-based model. This means that GA4 tracks individual user interactions on a website, rather than tracking entire sessions.

There are several benefits to using GA4 for website owners and marketers, including:

  • More accurate tracking. With the event-based model used by GA4, tracking is more accurate and detailed than it was with Universal Analytics. GA4 can track individual user interactions, such as clicks on buttons or links, rather than just tracking pageviews.
  • Better understanding of user behavior. Because GA4 tracks individual user interactions, it provides a more complete picture of user behavior on a website. This can help website owners and marketers better understand how users are engaging with their content, and where improvements can be made to improve engagement and conversions.
  • Integration with other Google products. GA4 is designed to work seamlessly with other Google products, such as Google Ads and Google Search Console. This can make it easier for website owners and marketers to get a complete picture of their website’s performance across all channels.
  • Improved privacy controls. GA4 includes improved privacy controls, which can help website owners and marketers ensure that they are collecting data in compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. GA4 includes options for users to opt out of tracking, as well as options for website owners to control the data that is collected and shared with Google.

Getting started with GA4 is relatively simple. Website owners and marketers can create a new GA4 property within their Google Analytics account, and then install the GA4 tracking code on their website. GA4 can be used alongside Universal Analytics (even though UA is set to sunset in the summer of 2023), allowing website owners and marketers to transition to the new event-based model at their own pace.

Once GA4 is set up, website owners and marketers can start tracking user interactions on their website. GA4 includes a variety of pre-built reports and dashboards, which can provide insights into user behavior, conversion rates, and other key metrics. Additionally, GA4 includes advanced features such as machine learning-powered insights and cross-device tracking, which can help website owners and marketers get even deeper insights into their website’s performance.

In summary, GA4 is the latest version of Google Analytics, and it represents a significant shift in how website owners and marketers can measure and analyze website performance. With its event-based model and improved privacy controls, GA4 provides more accurate tracking and a better understanding of user behavior than its predecessor. GA4 is designed to work seamlessly with other Google products, making it a powerful tool for website owners and marketers looking to get a complete picture of their website’s performance. If you’re not already using GA4, now is a great time to start exploring this powerful tool.

Four Star SEO can setup GA4 and other Google products on your website so you can benefit from extremely helpful analytics.  Contact us today and let’s get started.